July 9th was was a special night made possible by Race Teams, Sponsors and fans. 55 bikes and scooters were donated and given away. Below is a list of the donors and there is a photo album on the website.. http://www.offroadspeedway.com/gallery/?g=19861
Milander Trucking, Zach Sweigard, Jeremy Gnat, Norfolk Diesel, Jeremy Hoskinson, Vollbrecht Racing, Heartland Nutrition, Colby Langenberg, Uncle Jerrols, Lance Mielke, Joey Haase, Canham Maytag, Team 12-Pettitt/Primrose, Team 94F Hobby Stock, Team 77 Hobby Stock, Matt Haase, Wyatt Lehman, Joe and Kristi Rosberg, Shannon Pospisil, Jon Haase, Creighton Hoebelheinrich, Brock Carlson, Jim Kimmel, Cameron Meyer, Max Anderson, ST1X Motorsports